College is often where many adults begin to truly learn about themselves and set goals for their life. Unfortunately, college is also where many adults will commit mistakes that will get them into trouble with law enforcement. That is why it is important to understand the common criminal offenses that are committed by college students and the penalties for those crimes. If you or a family member was arrested for committing a crime while attending Temple University, you should consult with an experienced criminal defense attorney for Temple students.
The Liberty Law Team understand how a lapse in judgment can affect your personal and academic life, and we are here for you. Our firm has represented students from Temple University and various other Philadelphia universities, and we would be proud to represent you for your assault, DUI, or lewdness charges at Temple University. From fighting for your release from a Philadelphia holding center to trial and appeals, we are here to advocate for you. To schedule a free legal consultation to discuss your case, call The Liberty Law Team at (215) 826-3314, or contact us online.
Common College Campus Crimes Our Firm Handles
It is true that most crimes can be committed practically anywhere. However, there are various crimes that are more or less likely to occur on a college campus like Temple University. For example, there was one reported case of arson at Temple University from 2015 to 2017 but various cases of burglary within that same timeframe. The following is a list of crimes that are commonly committed on college campuses.
As mentioned, burglary is a crime that is often committed on Temple University property and the surrounding areas. Burglary occurs when a person enters a building or a dwelling with the intention of committing a crime once they are on the premises. A person could be charged with burglary even if they entered a property when no one was present at the property.
Burglary offenses are typically graded as first degree felonies or second degree felonies. A first degree felony carries a maximum prison sentence of 20 years and up to $25,000 in criminal fines. If a defendant is convicted of a second degree felony for burglary, they can serve up to 10 years in prison and owe $25,000 in fines.
It is also important to note that there are defenses to a burglary that could help a defendant handle their case. For example, if the defendant can prove that the dwelling they entered was abandoned, this may be a viable defense. The defendant can also state that they were invited onto the property or that the property was open to the public.
Rape is another serious crime that can occur on a college campus. Rape is a crime that can be committed in several different ways:
- The defendant used force to compel the victim to have sex
- The defendant issued a threat that frightened a victim to the point that they did not resist sexual intercourse
- The defendant had sex with a victim that was incapable of consenting to sex due to a mental condition
Many sex offenses on college campuses stem from an individual being drugged or fed alcohol until they are no longer coherent. Unfortunately, this can also result in a situation where a defendant believed that a victim consented to sexual intercourse.
In Pennsylvania, if a defendant is convicted of rape or a similar sexual offense, they will suffer the penalties of a first degree felony. Depending on the circumstances of the case, the defendant may even have their penalties enhanced. For example, if a defendant used some form of drugs so they could have sexual relations with a victim, they could be punished with additional criminal fines or even a longer sentence.
Underage Drinking
College campuses are notorious for crimes involving the use of alcohol. Underage drinking is one of the most common crimes that are committed at a university. Any individual that is caught consuming alcohol while under the age of 21 can be arrested for underage drinking. This can also be an offense if you provided alcohol to individuals that were under the legal drinking age.
Underage drinking is a summary offense that can be punished by 90 days in jail and a fine of about $300. However, being charged with underage drinking can also trigger a disciplinary hearing. Our firm is prepared to represent you if your arrest for underage drinking is threatening to impact your academic eligibility.
Work with a Trusted Philadelphia Criminal Defense Lawyer Today
If you or a family member is a Temple student that was arrested for a crime or you were charged with resisting arrest at Temple, you should contact an experienced Philadelphia criminal defense lawyer today. Criminal defense lawyer Lonny Fish has extensive experience dealing with a wide range of criminal offenses, and he is prepared to fight for you. Our lawyers offer representation for disciplinary hearings at Temple. You do not have to fight your case alone, call The Liberty Law Team at (215) 826-3314 for a free legal consultation.