Facing sexual assault or rape charges can be devastating for a student on many levels. Not only are the criminal penalties for these crimes severe, but a student could also be expelled from school for sexually assaulting another person. If you are a student at Drexel University, and you were accused of sexual assault, you should consult with an experienced Philadelphia sexual assault attorney for Drexel students.
The Liberty Law Team understand how a rape or sexual assault charge can dramatically impact a college student’s life, and we are here to provide you with the legal defense that you deserve. You do not have to fight your case alone. To schedule a free case evaluation to discuss your case, contact the Law Offices of Lonny Fish at (215) 826-3314 or contact us online.
Pennsylvania Rape and Sexual Assault Laws
While rape and sexual assault may appear to encompass the same types of criminal acts, there are distinctions between these crimes that can help a defendant understand what they are facing. Understanding these distinctions can also help formulate defenses and determine possible criminal penalties if you are convicted as a Drexel University student.
To prove that a defendant committed rape, the prosecution must show that a defendant engaged in sexual intercourse with a victim and also committed one of the following acts:
- The defendant used force to submit the victim into sex
- The defendant threatened the victim into sex (i.e., using a knife to make a victim docile)
- The use of drugs or alcohol to induce a victim into sex without their consent
- The victim possessed a mental disability that prevented them from consenting to sexual intercourse
- The victim was unconscious and could not consent
It is important to note that depending on the age of the victim, a defendant could face additional penalties for rape.
Rape is one of the most serious offenses that a defendant can face in criminal court. In Pennsylvania, rape is charged as a first degree felony. First degree felonies are the most severe type of felony outside of capital offenses like murder. When a defendant is convicted of a first degree felony, the maximum penalties a defendant may face include up to 20 years in prison and $25,000 in criminal fines.
If a defendant engaged in sexual intercourse with a child under the age of 13, it is possible to receive a life sentence if convicted. Certain gaps in age differences between a defendant and victim can also result in serious penalties.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault is a crime that occurs when a person engages in sexual intercourse or involuntary deviate sexual intercourse without the consent of the victim. Involuntary deviate sexual intercourse is when the genitals of a person are penetrated with a foreign object no matter how slight the penetration is.
Unlike rape that is typically charged when a person forces a person into sex, sexual assault is often characterized by a victim being too intoxicated to consent to sexual intercourse. It is also possible for a person to be charged with sexual assault if they continued to have intercourse with a person after they withdrew their consent.
Sexual assault is typically a second degree felony. In Pennsylvania, second degree felonies carry a maximum sentence of 10 years in prison and $25,000 in criminal fines.
Whether a student is facing charges for rape or sexual assault, an arrest or conviction for either type of crime can result in serious issues regarding their academic career. If a student is accused of rape or sexual assault against another student or other party, the institution they attend will likely institute disciplinary proceedings.
If a student is facing a disciplinary proceeding instituted by their college, there are a number of disciplinary measures that may result. For example, a student could lose access to scholarships, athletic programs, campus housing, or they could even be expelled from the institution. Additionally, if an offense like rape is placed on your academic record, it can destroy your academic career.
Fortunately, our firm can help you represent yourself against disciplinary proceedings that could impact your academic life. Disciplinary proceedings instituted by Drexel University will have different requirements than a civil or criminal court, and we can help guide you through a complex hearing procedure.
Our Experienced Sexual Assault + Rape Defense Attorney for Drexel Students is Here for You
If you or a family member attends Drexel University and was arrested for rape, contact an experienced Philadelphia rape defense lawyer today. Criminal defense lawyer Lonny Fish possesses several years of experience litigating complex criminal cases, and he is prepared to use this legal knowledge to fight for you. Sexual assault or rape is a serious offense that requires dedicated legal representation to ensure you get the defense you need for a desirable outcome. To schedule a free case evaluation, contact the Law Offices of Lonny Fish at (215) 826-3314.